Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Compelling: How do you write what people want to read? (part 2)

I recently read a book series where I pretty nearly hated the main character, I found her whiny, constantly doing the most ridiculous things while her life was a risk, irksome, and we had nothing in common whatsoever. She made the worst possible choice at every venture, and part of me wanted to jump into the pages and wallop her upside the head. Still, I read the entire trilogy. I can almost hear you asking, “Why in the world would you do that?!”

Because, my friends, the storyline was unique and wildly imaginative. Imagine a world where being overweight is illegal, possession of high calorie treats is a crime, and distribution of high calorie treats (in this case, cookies), is punishable by 6 months imprisonment in a re-education facility. Drop in an individual from the United States who is used to the freedom of eating what she wants when she wants and is used to getting away with some rebellious actions and BAM! I was useless for an entire Saturday, eating up the story (like that I stayed with the food theme there?).

All three books now reside on my Tablet, and I guarantee I’ll read them again. They were fun, different, and a great weekend read. In fact, if you’re interested, it’s the Parallel Trilogy by Christine Kersey, and the first book is called Gone.  If you pick them up, let me know what you think. 

A great story is essential. Even if you're not the best writer in the world, an original idea can cover a multitude of sins. 

You just KNOW there's a good story behind this one, even if you hate cops!
 Anyone else have this experience where you’re pulled into a great story, despite the characters?

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